Amalgam Lamps Manufacturers | Amalgam Bulb Manufacturers

Arklite Speciality Lamps offers two types of low-pressure Amalgam lamps. These lamps have a special longlife coating that allows to run these lamps up to 16000 hrs. Amalgam lamps are specially designed lamps to give UV output upto 3 times more than standard germicidal lamps. These lamps can run over a wide range of temperature ranges. Cent. With consistent UV output. Amalgam Lamps Manufacturers
Amalgam Lamps Manufacturers, Amalgam Lamps Manufacturers, Amalgam Lamp Exporters, Amalgam Lamp Exporters, UV Amalgam Lamp Suppliers, UV Amalgam Lamp Suppliers, Amalgam UV Light Manufacturers, Amalgam UV Light Manufacturers, Amalgam Lamp Exporters, Amalgam Lamp Exporters

High energy density makes them a perfect choice for very large installations of potable and waste water treatment plants.

UV Output and Maintenance of Arklite Amalgam Lamp

Monitoring quality of products developed and manufactured in the company has always been an on going activity. Recently reported data from our on going life test on five amalgam lamps, montoring UV output, is presented in the adjoining figure. All lamps, 260W, 1554 mm long, are still running with one of the lamp has gone past 11,500 hours with excellent UV output maintenace. Other four lamps following the same trend. The solid line in the figure is average value of UV out put of all lamps. All lamps are running on the same type of high quality electronic ballast of the same make.

Wide Acceptance of Arklite Amalgam Lamps

Because of good quality, ready availability and compititive pricing Arklite amalgam is finding good accptance in the domestic markets too. So far the focus has been on exports. Lamps upto 320W and matching electronic ballast  are available ex-stock with performance guarantee.

Lamp Length Range (mm) Wattage Range (W) Operating Life (Hours) Wave length Caps
UV Quartz Amalgam Lamp 842 to 1800 105 to 600W 9000~16000 254.7 nm 4 pin, Step jump
Feature & Benefits
  • 253.7 nm UVC output
  • Long Life – Up to 16000 hours
  • Increased operating temperature range
  • High lamp efficiency
  • Industrial Water Treatment
  • Commercial Water Treatment
  • Sewage Treatment